Usb or Optical

Have a custom built computer has latest greatest Realtek Audio 1220 vb or whatever its called.  I have a Little Dot Mark ii tube amp and i just bought a SMSL D300 dac.  Should i go optical from computer to desktop dac ? or usb from computer to usb on back of destop dac ?????  im not trying to get dsd or any crazy hi res 24/192 is fine.  Whats going to give me the best sound ?


thanks for all input is welcome.


Well I'm using the USB on my computer not the optical so that shouldn't be a limiting factor what's coming out of the computer right it's just straight out of the computer bypassing the dac on the motherboard.


Going to try to figure it out I'm going to try opticals if there's any difference .

fwiw I purchased the xonar essence STX - was using it's analog outputs - it only lasted @ 2 years before it died... wish it did not because i would have liked to have tried its coax output

Well i bought a optical cable and ran it thru motherboad sound to my desktop dac and i can say for sureeee usb bypassing motherboard dac sounds much better.

I have amazon hd music, there are files on the 16/44 and there are 24/192 so it varies from song to song.  I have a strong internet connection, a fast computer, and a dac that does dsd, 24/192 in its sleep and higher.  Im running usb out of computer into back of dac and i cant get over 24/44, amazon keeps say my device only show thats its max ? whats going on any ideas ?

i cant get over 24/44


Nice DAC!

I assume you have installed the DAC's driver.

Did you try another music source to test?