USB power supply?

Will the addition of a USB low noise power supply such as the one from Aqvox really improve the sound quality of my Bryston DAC?
Who are you Paul? Steve's employee or friend? I see some owners of shops posting but none as much and as BLATANT like him trying to sell his stuff. Why can't he pay the members fee as industrial participant and post as many listing as he wants? If you haven't noticed, there is a difference between forum and ad listings.
There is truth in what jazzonthehudson says and I have notice it and I am sure others also. BUT I think he hit very hard with the comments.Give Steve a little slack he seems to be a good guy,trying to advice and promote sell all in once.
My opinion anyway.
i have no financial interest in Empirical Audio & neither "friends" with Steve other than thru this forum.
I tend to agree with Jazzonthehudson that such blatant advertising is NOT the intention of these forums. I don't mind being pointed to the website by the manuf where all the technical info is stated but would rather prefer that the manuf not advertise in the post itself.
If one manuf does it, so will the others & these forums will become nothing but advertising for the manuf with biased opinions. Every other person will leave - you'll get very little useful info & Healthy discussion weighing the pros & cons from usage in the field will soon become history if advertising continues this way.
I thought that the rules were pretty tight & upfront on Audiogon on this & am wondering why his post was not pulled by the moderator?
Again, nothing personal against Steve (he has contributed very well to many threads over time) & nothing personal against you either. thanks.