Usd 4k speaker recommendation pls

I need recommendation for bookshelf speaker usd 4-5k. I listen more to vocal and sometimes jazz.

My dealer recommend talon hawk used for above price. Anyone has opinion on this speaker?

Or other better speaker? Thx
Thanks for the suggestion, anymore suggestion?

my old speaker is spendor s3/5. 150wpc mosfet amp (diy). room L4m x W5m x H3m. mostly listen to vocal.

spendor s3/5 is nice but i want more and feels that the spendor becoming the limitation in my system

thanks again for the help
did i mention i prefer bookshelf? i would love the vocal that could beat the spendor s3/5. thx
The Spendor S3/5 is a nice speaker, but it is at the lower end of their range (and it is not a duplicate of the BBC LS3/5a.)

I've got a pair of SP3/1Ps and a pair of SP1/2Es. While the 3/1s are very nice speakers and one can easily spot the family resemblance, there simply is no question that the SP1/2Es are far superior in terms of tonality and accuracy across the board, including the midrange.

If you basically like the sound of your current Spendors but are looking to improve on what you already enjoy it makes sense to audition the S3/5's big brother.

Of course, you've received some excellent suggestions for other brands so you've got a lot of good options to consider.
SP Technology Timepiece 3 ($5500)
AAD 2001 ( I own these so yes , I am bias)($2500)
Green Mountain Audio