VAC 160i, any experiences

Need opinions.

I am considering going back to a full function intergrated to use with my wilson sofias and was wondering if anyone has heard the VAC 160i. It has all the features that i am looking for, but not too sure how it will mate with the speakers.

Does anyone happen to know whether the 160i is more of an ultralinear design, or more of a triode design?

How did the 160i integrated compare to the Phi 200 amp that you had connected directed to your DAC?

I have an Antelpe Gold/Voltikus DAC and thinking of going with either the Phi 200 amp or the 160i.
You need a pre amp. I've tried it several ways with several amps and dacs, to me, there is simply no substitute. Others will tell you they like how direct and connected they feel the music is portrayed, but it is not to my taste.
I agree that I will need a pre if I go with the Phi 200 amp. I was just trying to get an idea of the differences sonically between the Phi 200 and the 160i
If I had fairly efficient speakers I'd go for the all in one solution of 160i without hesitation. Unless you are going to bi-amp phi 200, not enough power difference to justify additional preamp and interconnects.