VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?

I'm contemplating my next upgrade. Thought you guys could help.

I spin mostly vinyl. I have a great analogue front end that feeds a VAC Standard LE pre and VAC PHI 200 amp, both of which I love. The MC stage on the pre is really good, but a little noisy (hiss). Kevin is sending me new 12AX7s that Brent will test for very low noise at the VACtory. Those guys just rock!

My question, however, is how much do I need to spend on an outboard MC phono stage if I want a significant upgrade to the already wonderful sound of the built-in stage?

I know, why don't I just enjoy the wonderful sound? Because it's upgrade time, baby! There will always be a next level (we really need a 12 step group for this hobby).

I'm looking at the Zesto Andros ($3900), the Herron VTPH-2 ($3700), and possibly the new Manley Chinook ($2200).

Ideally, I could audition these in my system, but the nearest dealer is far away, so I'll have to order one.

Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks,
Alón (no, not Wolf)
Ag insider logo xs@2xalonski
Alón, re your three questions:

1)As you may realize, regardless of whether other interconnections in the signal path are balanced or unbalanced, and regardless of whether the two components in question are internally balanced or not, having a balanced connection between them will reduce susceptibility to ground loop effects (both low frequency hum and high frequency buzz); will reduce susceptibility to noise pickup in the interconnects; and in some cases will reduce cable effects and cable differences. On the other hand, none of those things may be significant issues in a given setup. And the balanced vs. unbalanced alternatives will call into play different interface circuitry in the two components, and which may be better will depend on the particular designs.

So what I would suggest is asking Kevin for his opinion and/or trying it both ways.

2)Hard to say what minimum amount of separation would be ideal without having intimate knowledge of, and hands-on experience with, the particular design. Sounds like another question for Kevin.

3)I use shorting plugs (not caps) on unused RCA inputs in my system (not on outputs, of course, which should not be shorted). I doubt that they make any difference, but I suppose it is remotely conceivable that they could reduce noise pickup on unused inputs, that might to a small degree couple into the signal path. IMO caps are unlikely to accomplish anything more than keeping out some dust particles. Other opinions may differ, of course.

Best regards,
-- Al
I own the VAC Signature II with phono and have been pleased with the sound of it. I have owned the Audio Research PH-7 and the EAR solid state 324. The ear is more dynamic than the Audio Research and Kevin's but I have grown to love the fluidity and musicality of VAC's phono. Kevin prefers analog to digital for his listening so you must believe he is taking the time to design a more than satisfactory internal phono. I did swap out my 12AX7's for the Psvane version. The Black Treasure from Shuguang and Psvane tube are made in the same factory and are very similar. I found the Psvane to be quieter and smoother than Kevin's stock phono tubes. I also swapped out the input tubes on his Phi 200 with the Black Treasure 6SN7's and prefer that subtle change. Check out the Tube Store for the Black Treasures. I also can confirm Kevin Haye's support; always generous with his time, input, advice and always honest as the day is long!
I was pulled into the Zesto room last January at T.H.E. Las Vegas by the designer George and his wife Carolyn and truly enjoyed their phono. If you are looking for a very smooth, musical phono this one is incredible for the money. I remembered leaving thinking this unit was far more musical than my ARC PH-7 and anyone who purchased it would not be wanting for anything else; it draws you into the music. I have heard it now on three other occasions and haven't changed my opinion. Great value for the money.
Bill and Al, Thanks once again for sharing your experience and weighing in on my never-ending questions.

HifiManiac, Thanks for advice on tube-rolling the Sig2a... I'll let everything break in fully with the stock tubes first before starting to play around with NOS gems.

I also loved the sound of George's Zesto Phono Stage (I spent more time with him than any other room at both shows I attended this year). They have the sound really dialed in.

What I have not heard yet is a comparison of Zesto's phono with the lush and beautifully detail-rich sound of the Sig2a's MC Phono stage. But I'm in no hurry, once I get my new preamp I think I'll do something radical like listen to music for a few weeks while my system settles in around the new VAC preamp.
Oh no! Say it's not true... not yet!

As I wait patiently for my Signature 2a with Phono stage to arrive (read: pacing back and forth in my listening room mumbling to myself), and looking forward to once, just once in this crazy ultra-expensive ridiculously wonderful hobby of ours to allow myself to indulge unapologetically in the audio geek nirvana of knowing that I am enjoying the best preamp Kevin has ever made... I see this:

A full page VAC ad in TAS inviting us to CES to see and experience new components in VAC's "Statement" line! Gulp. So what's missing in the Statement line? A preamp. Crap. It has to be a Statement preamp. And it won't be cheap. And, it will be so amazing that all the reviewers will say "anything before it pales by comparison!"

Arrrrrgh. All my gloating plans crushed. Maybe, if the stars align and I can get my Signature before CES, I may get a few days of gloat time, but nothing like the months of euphoria I was expecting, knowing this is the best VAC preamp ever made and I actually have one! Now, all my audio friends, who I expected to display slack-jawed gear-envy will listen and say, 'yeah, it sounds good, but I heard the 'Statement Preamp' at CES and it is on another level altogether!" Ack.

Request for audio therapy: Any of you relate to this or is it just me? I know the industry (and Kevin) need to move forward with new innovations and ever-better music reproduction... but did you ever feel you wished they could've waited a year?

I know it's all about my Audio Ego, that part of our delicate audiophile psyche that is validated by enjoying and indulging in something which we researched, obsessed over, tested, and ultimately believe is the best there is... something we could never have in our messed-up childhood. Something just for us that we didn't need to ask permission to spend a bunch of money on. Something we keep shiny and clean because on some deep level, we're actually proud of owning, even if there are people in our lives who may not understand...

Tell me I'm not alone out here. Share your story. Get it off your chest. I certainly feel much better. Thanks for reading.
You know its going to be a phono stage and probably a preamp. I hope Kevin listened to me last year to come out with a totally dual mono preamp including dual mono power supplies. I just will have to see for myself at CES 2013.