Whart- thanks, it's really all about the hobby for me. Music makes me smile, cry (yup), and shout what I consider "happy profanities" from my listening chair when my system surprises me.
Hifimaniac- not only did we have a similar experience, we have a bunch of the same gear! Same preamp, amp, record cleaning machine and Ortofon cartridge. I'm hoping NOT to hear the Statement Amps for a while, you understand why...
As for tube rolling and power cords, knghifi, I'm with you dude. How many hours did you wait? I usually figure about 100 or so for tube amps and preamps. My amp is fully cooked, but I only have 7 hours on the Signature2a.
What tubes have you Sig owners had best success with? How about fuses? Power cords? A special call out to any Sig owners who, like hifimaniac, are also loving life with a VAC Phi 200 or two.
Please also indicate where the tubes ended up. I'm especially interested in rolling results you've had in the phono stage.
Wow. I just experienced something amazing... As I am writing this, my wife came in to kiss me goodnight and said with a smile "it sounds great babe... It's the kind of sound that makes me want to listen to tracks over and over again!" I stared at her dumbfounded, she's never said anything like that before. I told her I will turn down the volume so she could sleep and she says "no, this is fine, keep it at this level."
Next to "I do," I've never been more surprised at what's come out of her mouth (and my fortune in this life).