VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3?

Finally, the two cold solder joints in one of my Rowland 7M amplifiers have been fixed. Just a simple 2 minutes soldering job at home, thanks to a kind live phone consult by Jeff himself. Now the system is back purring like a kitten.
Great say you, but. . . the problem is that now I have fallen totally prey to Upgraditis Furiosa, the most pernicious and 'wife threatening' form of Audiophilia Nervosa.
I listen mostly to classical--lots of chamber, vocal, Early Music, Baroque, Romantic, some large orchestra, lots of cello and other strings--on a system that I have lovingly put together over the last 20 years: EAD T1000, AT&T glass C-core glass wire, EAD D7000 Mk. 3, AudioQuest Quartz RCA, Audio Research LS2B, Gutwire XLR, Jeff Rowland 7M monoblocks, Cardas Golden Ref PCs on 7M, Cardas Golden Ref speakerwires, MagnePan 3A speakers.
The sound is sweet, lush, with a large if slightly unfocused soundstage, sometimes slightly veiled, somewhat soft at the bottom, can sound glorious in the midrange, good if not spectacular at the top. Much better at small ensembles than at full orchestra, where the sound stage can collapse and full strings and brass often display signs of brittleness and two-dimensionality. But, so much for self-criticism. Now what to do?
I intend to migrate towards a fully balanced system, with redbook and SACD capability and a tube linestage. I will start upgrading at the source and linestage points. The source will be an Esoteric X-01 or an upcoming APL NWO-1. But in this thread I'd like to discuss options for a new linestage. My requirements are an open and detailed, sweet sound, accurate with minimal coloration, with very good but not necessarily overwhelming macro-dynamics, an excellent three-dimensional and accurate soundstage, superior microdynamics and subtle nuance. The linestage must sound great out of the box--after breakin of course: not only after going through many cycles of NOS tubes musical chairs. All of this from a company with a stellar track record and reputation in quality, dependability and pre/post sale support. I listened to the VTL 7.5 and found it to be too soft. The BAT VK51SE sounded too dark. Then I listened at length to the VAC Ren II, which seems to embody all of my requirements. I have not heard the VAC Phi as yet, but it is in the running by inference. Nor I have listened to the ARC Ref 3, although I intend to: Ref 3 is in the running by reputation.
Suggestions? Opinions? It's your turn guys and girls!
I am sure these nominal charges for endless upgrades (I am talking bout ARC) is a nice but frustrating option to the US consumer.
Pity the poor sucker that has not bought in the USA.
You would have thought ARC would have got it right the first time, rather than make a change 6 mnths later.

their seems to be two types of designers - one that believes they get it right the first time and those that are in a constant state of change.
I understand your concern perfectly DownUnder, dealing with a company at the globe's antipodes is not my cup of tea either. That's exactly one of the reasons why I have not included Supratech in my quest for my ultimate linestage.
Even for me living in Sydney, Supratek is a risk as Mick won't give demo's to anyone, is a one man show and unfortunately he lives opn the other side of the country 4000 miles away.
I am much like you in picking astablished firms that make sound products and will be around in 5 years time.
As for "nominal" ARC upgrade costs, for the most part, these have been much more expensive than I would classify as nominal. It almost always makes more sense to sell your older ARC unit and buy the later version on the used market. ARC does have excellent customer service though and this is important. But living 3 minutes from the ARC facility does not sway me to let go of the Callisto even if it does look like it would be more at home as part of a nuclear power plant control console rather than in a home audio system rack!

Guidocorona - If you had already purchased the Callisto, you would be so busy enjoying your music that we would not have heard from your for weeks. 8-)

John, in spite of the fact that I have to limit my listening to no more than 90 minutes per night because my JRDG 7M amps seem to be winning the nightly battle with 7 tons worth of air conditioning units, I have in fact been busy enjoying my music immensely, even through my venerable LS2B.
Just yesterday I made a portentous discovery, that is only after 7 years of living in this house: I can power my system through 3 different and virtually dedicated electrical circuits: 1 for the left amp, 1 for the right amp, and 1 for player and linestage. In addition linestage and CD are connected to different outlets. This is made possible by my 12 ft long Cardas Golden Ref PCs (which I have owned for 'only' 5 years) on the monoblocks and the stock 10 ft long PC on the LS2B. As a result the system has magically gained in liquidity, transparency, imaging, stage, while losing a perceptable amount of residual grunge. All of this at absolutely no cost. Truly tremendous WAF! Where has my brain been all these years?
Now I can't wait to retire the 'venerable one' and replace it with one of the amazing linestages in the race. The end of October is still my target. Ren Sig II has ridden itself out of the race. Phi, Ren II and Ref 3 are tied in a brawl, and the mighty Callisto is garbed as a 'dark horse'! My goodness I think I have DAC! I am losing it where are my meds where are my meds where are my meds. . . ! [fading screams off stage. . . only Piatigorsky's divine Stradivari cello can still be heard playing the haunting 2nd movement of Antonin Dvorak's cello concerto [RCA Living Stereo SACD remaster] in the sweltering Austin (TX) night. . .]