Valve amplification vs Pass labs

I'm running vac signature 200 monoblocks with signature preamp, thinking about possibly going to pass labs, has anyone made this kind of switch and if so what did you think? 

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I'm in the USA, I've had quite a few solid state amps in the past (david hafler, krell, aragon 8008 which I still have in my living room) but I think It would be hard to compare with these Valve Amplification 200's, as a few people I've talked to said the same thing, Thanks for the input. 

Not the same league as Valve Amp 200's but I was a long term tube lover and switched from Rogue Stereo 100 to Pass X250.8.  Still a wonderful midrange but more dynamics, especially for orchestral music.

@neilco Almost a year has passed and just curious if you made a move away from the VAC amps to a solid state one?  I previously had a VAC phi200 and reluctantly made the change due to many factors.  Ultimately I ended up with a Gryphon Diablo 300 that I really enjoy powering my Rockport speakers, but the thought of revisiting VAC again is always there…