Valve phono stage

I’m considering switching to valves for my phono stage... can any of you guys recommend any with balanced outs for around $3800?

Current phono stage is Whest PS.30RDT.

I’m currently using a Roksan Xerxes 20Plus with Origin Live Encounter arm & upgraded Lyra Skala.

Or would I reap great rewards from an arm upgrade...?


Have had the Aesthetix Rhea signature for a number of years.  Balanced out, multiple arms supported, MC demagnetizer, and with some late 50s Amperex or Millard 12ax7 and 6dj8, for the money, it’s very hard to beat.  You can find them used often, and can get ‘re-warrantied’ By upgrading to either signature or eclipse version if you buy on secondary market.   I can not recommend more highly their support and service.  Jim white is on to something here.  I’ll be jumping into some Atlas mono locks the first chance I get!!!!!!!
Any tube fan can explain me what is the advantages of the tube phono stage compared to the great SS design? 
Chakster if you value music that sounds like music, tubes are the way to go.  If you like the way CD's sound or go after the black background nonsense, you might want spend your money on something else.

Tubes are for people who can hear and feel music.  If you want numbers then avoid tubes.  If you want a piano or trumpet or etc... to sound real with soul, well you get the idea.

12ax7 are just OK  look for some one who designed with another tube if possible.  Easy to work with but!!!!

Another little secret, see if anyone is using interstage transformer output final stage, so you can lose the nasty cathode follower. They are cheap and look good on paper but where did the music go.

I know this is not a builder forum so I will shut up now and let the regulars continue the dog fight.

Enjoy the ride
@chakster  Any tube fan can explain me what is the advantages of the tube phono stage compared to the great SS design?
There are no advantages per se, it just a listener preference. 

Chakster if you value music that sounds like music, tubes are the way to go. If you like the way CD's sound or go after the black background nonsense, you might want spend your money on something else.

Tom, i think this is not true. I've been into NOS vintage tubes for 7 years, i thought like you. But when i bought First Watt F2J (current-source amplification)  and removed/sold by very expensive push-pull triod amp made OEM by Trafomatic Audio in Europe, i realized it was a huge improvement. Not onlly because the First Watt F2J designed especially for full range drivers, my ex tube amp was also very nice with the same speakers (Zu Audio Druid). First Watt (designed by Nelson Pass) has phenomenal resolution and "real" presentation of my vintage records. I don't care about CD/Digital, i am 100% vinyl dude. First Watt amps is just better, most of my cartridges sounds better with this amp in my system. I like SS gear for practical reason, nos tubes are expensive and i ended up buying many of them (Sylvania, Telefunken, Matsushita, NEC... all for military or audio application, low noise, low microphonic).   

For this reason i have no idea why people are looking for Valve Phono stage ? I was hoping to read some facts, not just esoteric statement. 

My system is much better without any tubes, and i'm sure you lose nothing when you move from tubes to proper SS design like those made by Nelson Pass. 

I think i should try Nelson Pass phono stage in the future!