Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?

Any way to tell the 2ce Signature to the 2ce Signature2? 
I am a Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2 owner for the past seven years and it’s being driven by my McIntosh monoblocks MC601 (600 watts) and all I can say is wow! The 2CE Sig 2 really woke up surprisingly it can handle the power of my amp without any problem and I listen quite loud all the time.  If the speakers are placed properly, it can be overwhelmingly sweet. Playing mostly audiophile recording makes it sounds like you’re listening/watching to a live music, sounds way better than some of the speakers out there that cost five time more. I highly recommend the 2CE Sig 2, it’s a lot of speakers for the money.
I went back to the site where they are listed and noticed sometime late last night and this morning they model changed to the 2ce. No signature or signature 2. Checked the sn and their 58157 and 58158. They have the 30th Anniversary embossment/ sticker too. The price is $1000 pair. The price is what got me thinking as it seemed low.
I appreciate the info guys. I’ll know next time what to look for.