Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?

Any way to tell the 2ce Signature to the 2ce Signature2? 
I went back to the site where they are listed and noticed sometime late last night and this morning they model changed to the 2ce. No signature or signature 2. Checked the sn and their 58157 and 58158. They have the 30th Anniversary embossment/ sticker too. The price is $1000 pair. The price is what got me thinking as it seemed low.
I appreciate the info guys. I’ll know next time what to look for.
Just don’t expect the sn to tell you everything. My 2CE Sig ‘1’s are 58328 & 58329. I assume they are Sigs as I purchased them from the second (seemingly very reputable) owner in the original boxes that are clearly labeled ‘Signature’. Unless someone was able to purchase Sig boxes during their previous ownership, I feel pretty confident in what they are. As I stated in another thread, I got them for $575 in very very good condition, complete with anchor stands (very important). That price was a no brainer for speakers of their quality and jumped on them immediately, especially after the seller sent pictures of the boxes.

Richard can be ‘all over the place’ when responding to sn questions, from, ‘we do not catalog all the serial numbers as it would cost a fortune to do so’, to answering various changes within a series by serial numbers when certain changes took place. So, go figure ;-)

I checked on 3 pairs of Signature 2's and you're right. They all had the little 30th anniversary sticker. 
The ones I'm looking at are supposedly in mint condition and they look it from the pics.
Thanks a bunch.