My Vandersteen 2CE Sigs tweeters are too high when I sit in my listening chair. I want to remove the stands and use spikes directly into the speakers' base. Has anyone done this? What can I expect in sound change?
Thanks guys. I messed up on my measurements--the speakers are the right hight after all. Sorry for the hasty post. BTW, I do have allen bolts with felt bottoms in place of the spikes.
After setting up my 2CE sigs with the manuals guidance I noticed they sounded much better when I stood in front of my chair instead of sitting in it. I removed all of the tilt and they improved enormously. Ultimately they were way too large for my room. Shame as they did have a nice sound.
With my Vandy 3ASigs I put the front spikes all the way down in front and adjust only the back spike to level them. What a huge improvement,more base and the highs are just right.
I keep messing with placement and toe-in and tilt, too. I'll try the no tilt method. Thanks. And Swampwalker, I contemplated neck extension surgery, but the costs were prohibitive.
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