My Vandersteen 2CE Sigs tweeters are too high when I sit in my listening chair. I want to remove the stands and use spikes directly into the speakers' base. Has anyone done this? What can I expect in sound change?
After setting up my 2CE sigs with the manuals guidance I noticed they sounded much better when I stood in front of my chair instead of sitting in it. I removed all of the tilt and they improved enormously. Ultimately they were way too large for my room. Shame as they did have a nice sound.
With my Vandy 3ASigs I put the front spikes all the way down in front and adjust only the back spike to level them. What a huge improvement,more base and the highs are just right.
I keep messing with placement and toe-in and tilt, too. I'll try the no tilt method. Thanks. And Swampwalker, I contemplated neck extension surgery, but the costs were prohibitive.
What I did was screwed the front tip toes all the way down snug against the bottom of speaker.I put a small bubble leveler on top of speaker and with the back tip toe of Sound anchor adjusted it til the bubble stated it was level. Put the bubble leveler on both sides on top of speaker and it should be the same all the way around.There is also a tool you can use to make sure your speakers are exactly the same distance from wall and speakers are angeled exactly. maybe someone knows the name of it,i know some high end shops use them.
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