Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo

Hi, I've been very interested in running two subwoofers in stereo (diff. signals to each subwoofer); I've heard many people swear by this setup.

My next room for my system will be 14' x 14' x 18' high ceiling loft living room. My question is, will two DD10 be enough to fill the room with organ music and scare me out of my seat for movie tracks? Should I move up to two DD12s? Money is not really an issue, but I'd like to save wherever I can.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Dear Truthseeker: My HGS-15 is 12db in the low pass and this fact makes a great difference in what you say.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Truthsloucher Your arguments are so lame and once again don't you find it ironic that among all the posts in all the threads nobody but Cnewlander (is that a friend or relative by the way?) agrees with you. To assist you in understanding more about the topic here, I suggest you read " Studio Monitoring Design: a Personal View, by Philip Richard Newell. Here is a quote that may guide you into a fuller understanding of what you claim we who are correct, "think we hear":

"The combination of (human) brain and ear have an awesome ability to resolve fine detail, orders of magnitude beyond our best measuring equipment"

Best of luck as you learn more about what you criticize.
I have one sub and a good one at that.If someone hid the sub there is no way I would be able to tell where it was.How would having 2 subs change this?
Read this thread and check back in a week or so: