VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects

Has anyone used this product as an audio IC (it apparently can be used in digital and video applications, too)? What were your impressions? I own some VenHaus PCs that rock, and am interested in what any owner of the VenHaus ICs has to say. In advance, thanks for your reply.

VenHaus site:
I am a little short on time right now, but I have tried every version of the Pulsars and the "best" sounding in my system is the Silver NextGen (followed by Silver Eichmann, Copper NextGen, Gold Eichmann).

The Silver NextGen is the most transparent and detailed of the group. Its dynamics are also tighter and better defined. Imaging is also better from both a size/placement and depth perspective.

In terms of Silver Eichmann vs. Copper NextGen, I thought the Silver Eichmann was better in all areas except for the top end. The Copper NextGen was just a little more extended.

Overall, if you can afford the Silver NextGen it is well worth the money.

I still can't believe how these ic's sound so much better than other ic's I have tried in my system that cost anywhere from 2x to as much as 5x as much as the Pulsars.

Kudos to Chris!!

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In my evaluations, I was going for best sound, not best sound for the money. My comments should be taken in that context.

I totally agree with previous statements that cables are system dependent and need to be evaluated in each person's system.

That being said, I have evaluated many different ic's in my system and the Pulsars are staying.

Some other excellent ic's that I tried that are absolutely worth trying:

Ridge Street Audio Poiema!! and MSE II
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference
Bolder Cable Summit
Argent Audio Pursang and Jaden Signature

I reecntly tried the full Kubala Sosna "Emotion" range of power cords, speaker cable and interconnects on my system (which consists of Audio Researcg VT200 MKII, Audio Research LS25 MKII, Marantz CD7 cd player, Marantz ST17 tuner; Roksan Xerxes 10 turntable; Morch DP6 tonearm; Lyra Parnassus DcT cartridge; and Talon Audio Hawk monitors. They are phenomenal: outperforming the Siltech G5 cabling and Stereovox Reference cabling by some margin.

They are very expensive and thick however. Yet have not been bested in my experience: indded, some see these as the best cables on the planet (see discussions on AudioGon). However, given their size and cost I am interested in trying the VH Audio AirSine power cords and related interconnects and speaker cables. Chris has informed me that he's in the process of beta testing new IC and Speaker cables that will be of the same reference/gold label quality as the Airsine and will be relatively thin and inexpensive (I mean in comparison to the unbelievalbe Kubala Sosna's).

He feels confident of their potential performance and I intend to avail myself of an opportunity of auditioning a full set before deciding on these of the Kubala's. If these come out on top - I believe we will have the World's best cabling and I will be a proud owner.

If anyone has A/B tested the Airsine again the Kubala Sosna Emotion range I would appreciate your opinions.

Happy listening
Like I've said, it's virtually impossible for an *extruded* cable to beat naturaly insulated silver. Chris VenHaus and Robert Schult of Ridge Street Audio are some of the very few designers working with naturally insulated silver.

My psychic mind tells me Kubala's performance would not get even close to VenHaus or Ridge Street naturally insulated silver cabling.
