Verastarr amplifiers? Anyone ? Owners or Opinions

Hi guys I am looking for owners of or people that have heard of Verastarr amplifiers, particularly the ssa 64 but any will do.I have found very limited info out there and most was from people that seemed to have an interest in Verastarr. I am wondering how it sounds whats current worth or if anyone would even be interested because I see no sale history. Either their awesome amps and no one wants to get rid of them or no one ever buys them ? Whats the real deal here ?

Most amps we buy back are in the $4K range. We sold them for $6500, as we are the manufacturer. We do not retail. My guess is nobody paid $12K even though it was the retail price. Same thing that's done with most every brand.

Evidently you did not Google me or you might understand why people buy from Verastarr. Its a history of making some of the best products in the industry. It has nothing to do with resale, as resale is not why people buy from us. I do not recommend anybody buy because of resale. Buy for performance and quality. Commonly the smaller, handmade audio products outperform the "well known" brands.. Its been happening for years..

Do you attend audio shows Joe ?

The SSA-64 is special because of a massive dual differential Class A input stage, with very high quality film and foil capacitors. Besides this it has a massively overbuilt power supply. These both mean extremely low noise and very clean, dynamic presentation. "Well known" brands will not use parts like these as they are cost prohibitive and not available in large quantity.

This is common knowledge in the Hi-Fi arena. Hope this helps.
Holy smokes......this is even current! I have a SSA 64 that I have just taken out of the box for pics......I had it configured to run 220, and have the Verastarr power cord as well......

I had an outlet put in specifically for this amp, but the wife put the kibosh on its being in the living it sat......

I have never turned it on.......I've got a Cinepro monster still driving the bus......and while I was hoping to upgrade to the Verastarr, I only have 110 in my listening room.......

I hate the idea of selling something I've never hooked I thought about having it re-reconfigured back to 110.......!

I fell in love with the mentioned, these smaller market amps often out perform the 'bigger' names.......and even if the Verastarr was its equal.......that leaves it in awfully good company......the best I've ever heard
Hello OP. I own both a Verastarr SSA-644 and Studio 6.4. These amps have plenty of headroom for dynamic passages backed by more then just total watts as they have massive power supplies with plenty of capacitor storage so the current to drive demanding speakers or taxing musical transitions is readily available. The SSA-644 is a Class A amplifier that switches over to AB when more grunt is needed. What I notice most is that the Class A really opens up the detail on the quieter passages (neutral, natural, musical) and there is no noticeable difference when the louder more demanding passages need the grunt of the Class AB as the amp has all the authority that it needs the moment it needs it. I have listened to large high wattage room heating all Class A amps and once the sound level gets so high the finesse of Class A is lost to the overall sound pressure level in the room which in my opinion means a 300 watt all Class A amp really isn't needed unless its your primary heat source!

These amps are well built with premium components and way over built PCB boards and awesome power supplies. The amps are well thought out as well as laid out properly with attention to signal path detail.

So if you get an opportunity to buy either an SSA-644 or Studio 6.4, I am fairly sure the owner will let you listen to it before you buy it if you both are local. And if not local, I am just as sure that if you purchased one on Audiogon and ended up not wanting to keep it that you would have no trouble turning around and reselling it again on Audiogon.

If you have specific questions about either amp, I would be happy to attempt to answer them.
I have an EAR 890 amp. I am wondering if Vearastarr has an amp they build that will outrun my amp by a country mile? Must be tubes :)