Viagra for Your Ears?

Well, the big pharmaceutical company that brought you Viagra has a drug in clinical trials that will 'enhance' the hair nerves in your ears to straighten your ability to hear. I kid you not. While the new drug cannot being to life the dead hairs, it will enhance what is remaining and alive. Better listening through chemistry. You old folks now have hope for an extended 'audio' life. Who knew.
It wouldn't take much to improve the acuity. I"m just worried what the side effects will be. Whenever they list the side effects, the list is so long and scary that I'd avoid the drug unless it was life threatening.

On as aside, is it just me or is every post you make followed by the notice of pending approval by a moderator that should take several hours and usually posts the next day? I've contacted them and they told me it's normal which I know not to be the case.

All the best,
Side effect: if your system sounds great for over four hours, consult your nearest high end dealer.
I've heard the phrase, "hard of hearing." Would this drug cause, "hard-on hearing?"

These work extremely well (just a satisfied owner).