Vibration isolation

Looking for feedback.  I have a very resolving system with Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 4 IC's and SC and all Elemental Tungsten power cords....McIntosh 601 Monoblocks, MCIntosh C2300 Tube pre, Lumin A-1 streamer with upgraded Kenneth Lau Silver Edition Power Supply all on 3" solid Maple stands / rack.  All this drives a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolutions mated to a pair of REL G-2 subs.  I have been experimenting with different vibration / isolation control from Herbies soft feet to Rollerblocks to VooDoo Iso Blocks
as well as Synergistic Research MIG 2.0's.  I've discovered that with most of the "bearing" type systems, while I like the pin point accuracy and detail, they make to system so bright that I can't listen to it....and my gear isn't typically associated with "brightness".   The VooDoo Iso Pods are the least bright with the MIG 2.0's falling in between.  The best sounding, detailed but not teeth grinding bright appear to be the Herbies soft feet.  They also seem to produce a soundstage with more body, highly detailed without the ringing brightness.  Results seem really odd to me with much that I've read.  Has anyone else had these sorts of results?  I'm really pretty listening room is acoustically treated by GIK, so that's not the issue....would appreciate any feedback.
It sounds like you are using various different products at the same time?

VooDoo Iso Pods
MIG 2.0
Herbies soft feet

Or are you swapping out these products under 1 component?  If so which component are you using these devices?
Thanks, one product at a time under one component at a time....I originally had Herbies under everything....first components I worked to upgrade were the monoblocks using Iso Pods....they did an incredible job, especially bringing out some bass that just wasn't there before as well as better level of detail all overly bright results so they remain there.  With that success I bought a couple of more sets and tried them under the pre first....wasn't overly impressed, nicely focused imaging but very bright.  A friend brought over a couple of pairs of Rollerblocks so we tried a set of those under the really locked in the sonic image, which we liked but again so bright as to be fatiguing quickly....we both decided, of all things, the Herbies feet were slightly less detailed but more engaging...we continued the same protocol with the Lumin next....same kind of result.  By that time a set of MiG 2.0 demos showed up....placed them under the Lumin first....Ambient direction....both of us agreed, at least under the did a better job....more detail without getting crazy bright.  Experimented with all the above under the the power supply with similar results.  At this point, with good but surprising results, Iso Pods remain under the monoblocks, Herbies under everything else but the Lumin streamer which sits on the MIG2.0's.  Just a FYI, all my frontend gear including a Synergistic PowellCell 12 line conditioner sit on a side wall.  5M Atmosphere Level 4 connects monos on speaker wall.  I was just wondering if anyone had similar results....not at all what I expected!
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