Note: "Made in Western Germany". So that step-down transformer is at least 25 years old. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But this is to say that I don't think it's fair to dismiss ANYTHING made in China as "crap". I've got two 117V to 100V step-downs made in China, both from the same source and of the same type, that are nicely made and have held up for more than 5 years each. They don't vibrate or heat up during constant use. The best bet is to make sure the step-down or -up is over-rated for the power demand. As long as that's the case, you should be oK.
Ironically, there was once a time in the post-WW2 USA when Japanese-made products were looked down upon in much the same way as many of us now view Chinese manufacturing.
Ironically, there was once a time in the post-WW2 USA when Japanese-made products were looked down upon in much the same way as many of us now view Chinese manufacturing.