Banquo, If you hear differences in the sound of your analog based on the brand and source of your step-down transformer, THAT would be worth reporting here, provided that the inferior sounding step-down was not in any way malfunctioning. Come to think of it, I am not sure that my SDTs were made in China; I only assume that to be the case, because isn’t everything these days made in China? Could be Japanese as well.
On a more newsworthy note: UPS delivered my TT101 back from JP tonight. It works!!!!! Of course, it has worked in the past only to fail eventually. But this time JP got to work on it when it was in failure mode, which allowed him to trace the problem to a probable source. And he fixed that issue. So I have reason to be optimistic.
On a more newsworthy note: UPS delivered my TT101 back from JP tonight. It works!!!!! Of course, it has worked in the past only to fail eventually. But this time JP got to work on it when it was in failure mode, which allowed him to trace the problem to a probable source. And he fixed that issue. So I have reason to be optimistic.