That said, I'm less convinced about the digital chain. Certainly there have been enormous improvements in digital audio, but I'm not entirely sure how that translates into sonic improvements, especially towards the high end.
But that's kind of a self thread high jack, so I'll take it up elsewhere. In the meantime I think I'll fiddle around, maybe tinker at the margins and follow minorl's advice:
Thanks again to all!But, if it were me, I would listen to what I have and enjoy. When I hear something that isn't satisfying, causes listener's fatigue, lack of space, etc. I would slowly go down the one item at a time upgrade path until I am at a point where I am happy.
In the case of audio equipment, there is always something out there that is better. However, to get to that point may cost a ridiculous amount and (depending on the person) may not be worth it.
Listen and enjoy and go one step at a time.