Vinyl Heaven : Lyra Atlas on a Durand Talea 2

I am not usually given to expletives but WOW....this is sooo effing good I can't believe it. The Atlas has less than 6 hours on it.The Atlas replaced a Titan i and initially, I was a wee bit underwhelmed, as the cart loading was at 100 ohms,the same as the Titan. Switching to a 1000 ohmn loading was a revelation.The 1000 ohmn loading resistor on my Nagra VPS phono will presumably require some break in.
My quick and evolving first impressuions of the Atlas vs the Titan i : the Atlas does everything the Titan i does, except it does it a whole lot better. The traditional Lyra agility and speed( the Atlas is my 4th Lyra after the Helikon, Skala and Titan i)is there in loads except there is now an organic wholeness to the music with a longer sustain and decay of notes. In every respect, IMHO, the Atlas is way way better than my previous favorite cart, the Transfiguration Orpheus L.There is so much more detail being extracted from the grooves. Does the Atlas make all recordings sound good ?Far from it. It made me realise how crappy the Pink Floyd reissue of WYWH is.
Should point out that at the time the Atlas joined the party, the TT,a TW AC 1, also benefited from a major upgrade with the Black Night PSU and 3 motor unit.
If you ever contemplate an upgrade to the best, that the state of the art has to offer,you will do yourself a favor by auditioning the Atlas and the Durand Talea 2.
I have no relationship with any manufacturer.


i've not heard the Atlas, neither do i have a feel for the Phantom II compared to the Supreme.

i do think strongly that getting the best tonearm is highest on my list as an overall system building approach. and the Talea 2 would likely end up the bigger overall step up compared to a cartridge upgrade. i know what stepping up to the Talea 2 was from the Reed's, Triplaner, and even the Talea 1. i view the Atlas in the similar catagory as the Anna, and i'd rather go to Talea 2 from the Phantom II, than from the A90 to the Anna....especially if you already enjoy the A90. i lived with the A90/Talea 2 combo very happily for awhile.

i also agree with Downunder that you are at a pretty high level and no great need for a change. if you like where you are then enjoy.
Thanks Sunnyboy, Downunder and Mike Lavigne. This is the wisdom i was looking for. I think i will stay put for a while on the analog front since i have an ARC Ref 150 on order to replace my old Classic 120 mono's (circa 1990).
You guys "rock".
IMHO, Phantom dealer disclaimer. I have spent time listening to both the Graham Phantom Supreme and the Talea 2. Both are interesting: however, I would think you may prefer the out-of-the-way presentation of the Graham Phantom Supreme, great engineering, simply SUPER!

From there make your cartridge choice, I love what both Lyra and Ortofon bring to the platter...the A2's, both nice!

Dealer disclaimer for the Ortofon Anna; owner of the Lyra Olympos and Olympos SL.

Unoear, You are in a unique position, if you have heard both the Talea 2 and the Supreme in your home system. Can you amplify on the differences between them that you perceive? When you say that the Supreme offers an "out of the way" presentation, do you mean to infer that the Talea may be "in the way" to some degree? That is, do you think it adds a coloration of some kind? Thanks for any comment.
Unoear, I, too, would be quite interested in this comparison. These are two of the really good arms.