Vinyl record cleaning

I watched a video of someone cleaning records in a dishwasher. I think it was a Maytag, I've heard they are very dependable. I have a lady Kenmore which was left behind when she moved out and took everything else. Anyone try this method? I will today, I have nothing better to do. 


I bought a cheap Record Washer MK11 and washed half a dozen records and the fluid was dirty looking.  I used new fluid and washed more, same thing.  This yellow plastic device is cheap n easy.  The fluid is reasonable cost and a jumbo kit includes all you need for a couple hundred records. 

Ok, it's Frankenstein Ugly, and not jewelry, it does not look like something James Bond would keep in his brief case or glovebox.  But I noticed a much cleaner look, and sound from LP's.   

here is the definitive thread about all things record cleaning. it touches all the bases and even has two related threads linked.

i've owned 5 different high quality record cleaning machines, and own 12,000 records. i thought i knew quite a bit about cleaning records. nope.

just how serious are you?

I bought one of those inexpensive cleaning devices that you turn the record by hand.... 10 turns forward and 10 backwards.... Using Dawn detergent. Dry with microfiber cloth and it works I think as well as a machine that costs thousands. I'm sorry but I'm not sticking my records in a dishwasher..... It sounds like an idea I may have had that would turn into a real disaster. The labels would be a problem and as a person said in another post, the heat cycle would be a killer if you forget to turn it off.