Von Schweikert VR4 vs later models?

I have the opportunity to purchase a pair of VR4 generation 1 speakers and am curious to those who have had the experience with how they sound in comparison to later model VS that I am familiar with; specifically the VR4 Jrs and VR5HSE. I've never heard the VR4s before but every review is glowing with some preferring them to later models. Any caveats on their purchase?
I have the 5HSE's which are amazing. I replaced Audio Physic Virgo II's. It took me a long time to find something that I really like better than the Virgo's.
Well, I picked up my new (to me) VR4s today and really love their sound. Upon initial listening I think I prefer them to my previous VR4 Jr's and VR5HSE's. HUGE soundstage! Thanks to all who chimed in.
THEY ARE GREAT SPEAKERS . I AM LOOKING AT THE DB99 OR DB 100 Which do you think are better. I have tube amps. I would use them for ht and music thanks