VooDoo Cables ?

Has anyone else here tried these cables? I have some of their video cables and they are the best I have ever tried, this have to be one of the best kept secrets out there! www.voodoocable.net
>>this have to be one of the best kept secrets out there<<

As good a secret as the Xtreme and Reality cables you've told us about. Give us a clue to your next secret. I love a good puzzle.
Greetings and Happy New year

I am interested in purchasing a pair of Voodoo Reference Silver balanced IC's.
Bruce has been building cables for 13 years. There much be others on Audiogon that have tried or are using Voodoo cables.
Any comments about the cables would be appreciated.
He is harmless and excited about a product he feels others would love. We are not responsible for how articulate others may or may not be. I guess its just Tin cup's way.

No big issue here. Read on and enjoy the diversity of opinion and style.
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Tvad, I also love them with the Crunch Berries. They are great.Only problem is they really muffle the sound of my system as I listen with my bowl and spoon in hand. Talk about background noise! Only Fruit Loops can generate more background noise.