Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject

There have been many statements made about this question here and on other forums stating differing opinions as which SQ is better :


1.-Red book CD

2.-Streamed High resolution files- i.e. Tidal/Qobuz

3.-Downloaded files purchased in Super Hi Res-Acoustic Sounds

4.-Red Book CDs ripped and stored for playback as files


Everyone may have an opinion on their preference

but is there any actual evidence of this? I suppose the only

way to produce evidence would be via blind testing and

survey results.


So please list in your preferred order the numbers

1,2,3,4  with the 1st being the best/ 4 the worst SQ 


Audiophiles may have an idea of their preference

but is there any actual evidence? I suppose the only

way to produce evidence would be via blind testing and

survey results. 


Does anyone have some hard facts as it relates to this query? 


Thank You.



My 2 cents:


Over the last 15 years CD playback got remarkably better, coinciding with relatively inexpensive DAC's using new architectures around capacitor charging instead of resistors.  There's an AKM document which seems to talk to this.

Currently after a lot of fiddling I use Roon's upsampling to 96kHz and am happy enough to leave everything alone.

you lost me at “ hard facts”…

As a reference you might consider a trip to 2L recordings download bench…

Errors from Cd direct can be corrected by ripping. So after that the question becomes whether a streamer streams better from Qobus/Tidal rather than from a linked hard disc. That in turn is a function of the cables and spinner used in ripping vs. the quality of the cabling, routing and clean-up of ethernet. There simply is no universal answer to this, however, I‘d challenge anybody to better a well set up streaming system on high resolution. I would therefore posit that CD and DSD players are now becoming redundant.