Vote Your Ranking -If you have an opinion on this digital subject

There have been many statements made about this question here and on other forums stating differing opinions as which SQ is better :


1.-Red book CD

2.-Streamed High resolution files- i.e. Tidal/Qobuz

3.-Downloaded files purchased in Super Hi Res-Acoustic Sounds

4.-Red Book CDs ripped and stored for playback as files


Everyone may have an opinion on their preference

but is there any actual evidence of this? I suppose the only

way to produce evidence would be via blind testing and

survey results.


So please list in your preferred order the numbers

1,2,3,4  with the 1st being the best/ 4 the worst SQ 


Audiophiles may have an idea of their preference

but is there any actual evidence? I suppose the only

way to produce evidence would be via blind testing and

survey results. 


Does anyone have some hard facts as it relates to this query? 


Thank You.



Ya know, I really could care less if I actually own the file/LP/whatever that I want to play. If I can reliably keep what I want to hear at my beck 'n call, that's fine by me. I must say, too, that I'm totally in love with streaming classical. I feel like the king of the world. Hmmm, which artist/conductor/orchestra's  Brahms' Fourth do I wish to summon to my stereo tonight? It hearkens back to the moment in time when I worked at Tower Classical Records on the Sunset Strip. So many choices! And a machine in the back room to reseal the record in plastic wrap after I've finished listening to it...

SACDs and high resolution flac files (24 bit) downloaded from various internet portals are roughly equal to my ears, with some exceptions. 

Probably, that kind of blind test would be only relevant if done on same level of class and same brand of source equipment however, my opinion, first place should be with High Res downloaded file.