"I didn’t even miss my Koetsu"
Interesting testimony from a Koetsu owner. I'm actually on my second ART 9. The cantilever magically "disappeared" after 3 years with the first one.
The ART 9 certainly isn't a "downgrade" comparing to the $2K+ Kiseki Blue, which does have a touch more of refinement.
oleschool- If you're looking for audio excitement, also consider upping your game in the phonostage department to put any cart in its best light.
Interesting testimony from a Koetsu owner. I'm actually on my second ART 9. The cantilever magically "disappeared" after 3 years with the first one.
The ART 9 certainly isn't a "downgrade" comparing to the $2K+ Kiseki Blue, which does have a touch more of refinement.
oleschool- If you're looking for audio excitement, also consider upping your game in the phonostage department to put any cart in its best light.