vpi classic

First hello everyone ,I've been away awhile .

      I'm interested in upgrading my cartridge a Benz micro mc, my system is a moderate system by gon standard.
VPI classic jmw memorial arm ,Acoustic Zen adagios, Sunfire subs ,Nu Vista integrated, Musical Fidelity phono amp mc or mc with multiple mc settings . Acoustic Zen cables and speaker cables in a  acoustically treated dedicated room (16'x24' x10') .with more digital gear, but  this is my analog section.

      I am willing to spend up to say $1,500 ,but much to many here's discomfort I would spend up to say grand on a used cartridge from a solid gon member . I know so many here swap them like tic tacs . I know the routine of fears with buying used , that said I have made some great scores here. I'm looking for weight compatabilty ,sound and overall performance for the money.

Thank you all

"I will go VAC , I almost have twice ,but I have a car and motorcycle fetish too oh and guitars"

oleschool- I get it.I noodle a LP- 65 Deluxe Reverb and pedal a $6K plastic(Carbon) bike . I haven’t visited the gear page lately, but it’s presently filled with nice deals on used phonostages, both SS/tube.

This listing caught my attention. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisa577e-eastern-electric-minimax-phono-phono
For the price, anyone tube curious would be getting a great deal.
I remember when it was introduced.

Most of the current popular brands are listed if you’re willing to go to the next level$2k+

To my ears, somewhere in the $3-5K MSRP is a model you can say..."I’m done" I’ve demoed with my table the Manley,Herron, Allnic, Zesto. All good, but not one had a particular "better" trait for me to give up a my tubed Fosgate. Naturally, just subjective. I’ve read other Foz owners think the opposite. The 2.0 version is the one to get if you run across a listing. I’ve seen them pretty cheap, but only the 1st generation.
I would be all over this if I were in shopping mode. Easily a last purchase. If you ever get the urge, it can be upgraded to play with  "the best"

I completely understand if you wanna pursue a used bargain like vk-p6se or even a Herron VTPH-2A would be a great buy. Personally, I am biased towards hybrid phonostage. To my ears, they are much more musical than solid state.

Sorry no experience with Jo No 5 cartridge, maybe someday.
Or a Manley Chinook SE MK2 from Upscale Audio.  Very hard to beat in the less than $2500 price point. 
I saw that ,now ya got me thinking lol. if i'm buying a new cartridge there always around but this is not . decisions decisions lol.Its definitely shooting outside my range though but doable. This hobby is for the big dogs,im like a ADD puppy