VPI Direct Drive Turntable

I received a copy of the new Music Direct catalog today and saw the new VPI Classic Direct Drive turntable listed at $30,000. It looks virtually indistinguishable from the Classic 3 with the new 3-D tonearm save for three speed buttons in place of the pulley and the rubber belt. The description on the MD website is rather scant, and certainly does not give enough information to explain what makes this turntable $25K more expensive than the belt drive Classic line. The VPI website makes no mention of the new flagship product at all.

Does anyone have any information on this new megabuck VPI table?
In_shore, you have isolated some of the direct material costs, you touched on some of the direct labor cost, but you completely eliminated any reference to factory overhead, manufacturing profit, and distribution/dealer profit.

In manufacturing, a 5x multiple is not unreasonable to generate a retail price. The motor alone would account for $25,000 of the retail price. VPI’s retail pricing model is not out of line with other manufactures. Having said that, I still think it is a big misstep for VPI.
Dealer cost on this table is prob in the $18K range. Doesn't the Classic Direct include the new 3D arm and a VTA on-the-fly micrometer? If Harry is planning a new flagship it will probably be $50K or more retail and look very different.

Has the same motor as the Continuum? What does that cost?
Some people might have a beef with VPI over customer service, QC or whatever. It's the dealers responsibility, not the factory. VPI is nice enough to deal directly with the customer, but they're not set up for that.

You have a choice. Buy what you want.
02-05-14: Fleib:
"Has the same motor as the Continuum? What does that cost?"
Reportedly $4000. But the ThinGap motor does NOT include bearing assembly. It's an off the shelf unit that includes only the rotor with the magnets and the stator that the coils are etched on a cylindrical circuit board. Very interesting technology that claims to have no cogging. VPI has to machine a bearing for it to complete a motor and of course fitted to the platter and plinth, etc... so obviously that adds to the cost.

I much rather they just start with a new platform and disassociate it with the Classic series and bump the price even further if they have to and simply announce that's their new flagship. Yes, people will buy $50k turntables but those people don't want to be reminded that it looks like a Classic!

Every year there are products with outrageous price but why are people get bent out of shape by the price of this VPI direct drive makes no sense to me, when it clearly uses new technology and refinement. After all there's a tonearm costing $35k....

Time will tell and the market will decide.

Yes this new cog-less motor could very well be THE motor for direct drive table and could be a break through in table motor technologies ,but a MDF arm board and plinth?

Take a look at Steve Dobbins table, the Kodo Beat for a good example of an exceptional built quality of the highest order or any other table at this price point, you don't get MDF,...
I have no ill will against VPI, I never owned any of their products nor have I dealt with them in any way.
I just think VPI need to rethink the use of MDF in this 30 grand table that's all.
I don't believe its anyones' business but VPI to price their own products. The marketplace will vote with their dollars. The turntable is there for the taking or not...to me, that's the end of the discussion.