Many great suggestions for improving the sound here.
Many thanks to everyone!
(So far, my list has 17 ideas or tactics on it.)
VPI HW-19 with Graham 1.5 arm Question/Suggestions
Greetings everyone,
I have a very handsome, black oak, late model VPI HW-19 Mark IV with a black Delrin Aries platter. The tonearm is a Graham 1.5 Basic tonearm sporting a Benz Micro MC Gold cartridge with elliptical stylus. The tonearm cable is Audio Art IC-3 Classic phono cable DIN to RCA.
The sound is good but rather lightweight, neutral and nimble but polite, one might say meek with tight but lean bass. It is not strident or shrill, or analytical, or bright. Most of the turntable and phono upgrades I read about suggest that they will make the sound have more clarity, be more precise, more accurate, tighter, and lower the noise floor. These qualities are not necessarily what I want.
I would like the sound signature to be warmer, fuller, richer, more colorful, or more romantic.
I am considering many options, including new phono cable, new footers, a platter mat (presently records sit directly on the Delrin platter), a different record weight-stabilizer (presently using a VPI Delrin screw-down clamp), a new shelf, and of course a different cartridge.
I welcome any suggestions from anyone on how to warm up or enrich the sound quality.