Before investing any money into the speaker, I would highly recommend that you find a way to listen to them. What people hear in a speaker is highly subjective. The review helps, but we all hear things a bit differently. I myself have a pair of Thiel CS 1.6. I love the sound, they work well in my listening enviroment, have an amazing soundstage, and are crystal clear. The reveiws were very good as well in Stereophile and Sounstage yet Hi Fi+, in their most recent issue, Fed 2005, the reviewer was very impartial to them.
Althought the Gallos have great reviews, and undoubtedly do to now be named Absolute Sounds overall product of the year 2004, Von Schweikert consistently receives excellent reviews all around the boards!
Althought the Gallos have great reviews, and undoubtedly do to now be named Absolute Sounds overall product of the year 2004, Von Schweikert consistently receives excellent reviews all around the boards!