KT90 is a 6550's substitute.No problem they are interchangeable.Best KT90/6550 is KT90 Ei type 3 at reasonable price.You can buy them at www.upscaleaudio.com .Kevin Deal is really the best!
No,i haven't compared them in a VTL amp, but in Jadis 80 mono, Sonic Frontiers Power 2 and CJ.Same result! Kevin at www.upscaleaudio can tell you the best tubes with a VTL amp.He retubes all the amp and he is very honest and friendly.Contact him!Ciao.Marco from Italy....
This is a really old thread, but has anyone ran KT90s in a VTL ST 150, instead of 6550? I have KT 90 225 Deluxe monos and really loved them. Curious what the bias difference if possible would be in the ST150. Cheers.
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