VTL information

I recently bought a pair of VTL Deluxe 240 monoblocks. The seller didn't have the owners manual. I contacted VTL and was told they don't have any information on amps that age (1993-1997). It has David Manley on the front of the amp too so I called them and was told they engineered them but they were made by VTL.  Although they were more helpful still now information. If someone could help me with any information I would greatly appreciate it. I want to get them serviced before trying them and am anxious to hear them.


A competent tech can probably service them without the manual if it comes to that.

David has passed Luke is the son that runs VTL , I have 250 mono blocks had them serviced  many times with and without manual  thru the years, roxy54 is correct. Find a tech that good ,no fly by nite , I have mine over 20 years ,enjoy them.