W and M Audio Speaker cable and Interconnects

I have had a few inquiries about the W and M Speaker and Interconnect cables that I recently won (at auction) on Agon. They are a new Company, at least to be seen here (on Audiogon), and (by the photos) they have an outstanding product. I recently took the Audiogon Auction "leap of faith" and I have come away with a feeling that I was greatly rewarded for it (it has NOT "always" that way).
For the present moment, I must reserve judgment to only the areas that I am certain of. Such as:
I have had excellent communications (Via: Email) with W and M Audio (of the UK) before and after the auction. They are anxious, and dedicated to receive "Good Feedback" (in the United States) about themselves and their "Higher End" Audio products. From the start, they have been VERY good people to deal with.
The "Agon Auction" went well for me and I rec'd winning bids for both the Interconnects and the Speaker Cables. I sent my payments Via: PayPal. NOTE: A "small" snag there, but quickly fixed and documented (it was my first PayPal adventure). W and M Audio shipped the cables out immediately (from the UK) and they arrived at my door in ONE week. Outstanding time for shipment from the UK !! Packaging was First Rate and with "NO" DAMAGE" at all. The package was VERY well "labeled" (both the interconnects and speaker cables were packaged within the same box).
Opening the package revealed two very nice "presentation" boxes, fit for good jewelry (albeit "very large" jewelry). I've never been big on "fine" boxes (other than the good shipping kind). Something in a "nice box" has always made me feel a bit leery of the product itself. How-ever.. nice boxes (non-the-less, they are) and they will be great storage containers for other audio stuff at a later date.
The smell of "new" Audio cables" (or "something" new, anyway) is quite apparent when the fancy boxes are opened. The Cables are professionally packaged and they are placed in the boxes with proper care (Coiled, Wrapped and Tied very well). Little "Picture" Cards are attached with gold embossed, elastic bands that picture an "exploded" view of the cables and explanation of construction.... nice touch (I was ready to eat the cables at this point). The cables themselves (finally) looked VERY, VERY well done. Surprisingly even "BETTER" than pictured on the "Agon Auction" site (what had sucked me in in the first place). I will not go into the finer detail of material and construction. It is VERY evident in their photos (I am going to assume that all that are reading this have gawked at them with much wonder, skepticism and/or lust). They are "exceptional" in quality and nicely put together, exceeding all of my expectations (for construction). Attention to detail is first rate. All seems just about perfect, at least for all areas "NOT" involving (the main issue) "THE SOUND" (after all, "who cares "what they look like", what kind of box that they are in or what kind of card is attached, as long as they "SOUND" good ??).
This would be a (Agon Member) "Review" (of sorts) if I could just sit and "listen" to them. I cannot.
I have just acquired a pair of Genesis 400's. I am NOW on an "amp" hunt for them (2K area, possibly even an Integrated... Bel Canto, DK, Portal, on and on). I do not have an amp (at this moment) that I can use to justify the sound of this speaker/cable combination. Even to judge for a review (after I buy another amp) I must use my "old" cables as a reference (for a while) so that I may become familiar with my new (at least to me) Genny's and (whatever amp.The "Genny's" are a very nice "full" range (or close enough to it) speaker. I should be able to judge many of the qualities of of these "seemingly" fine cables at a later date.
I am in hopes that my comments will help guide those that are considering "BIDDING" on (or just purchasing) the W and M Cables. For now, they will sit on the top of one of my speakers and try in vain to tell me something. Too bad I can't hear what it is.

Best regard's,
Antonio "Tubby Tubeears"
I finally made a decision on the amp to use along with the W and M cables. I am going to try out the little Onix P-3 Tube amp and see if all of the hype and glamour is worth the gallons of good ink from the reviews. This little Silver Pig was not that much more than I paid for than the cables, plus, having had good relations with Mark at AV123 for years, I will quess that that it is (quite probably) a good piece ("Wally" at Underwood Audio also swears by them. He has a great set of ears and impeccable honesty). I will know soon enough. If the little snorter isn't fit to drive the Gennies, you will quickly see it listed under "Tube amps" right here on good ole' Agon.
Hey Tubby-
Its been quite some time since you won your cables.
Have you had a chance to listen to them yet instead of just look at them?
I'd like to hear how they sound please.
Hi David99

The jury is still out on the cables and interconnects ("my" jury, anyway). So far they are mostly "Eye Candy".
The bad news first. I rec'd my Onix SP-3 tube amp from AV123. They treated the amp bad enough in shipping that I had to return it and swap it out for another one. AV123 was very good about shipping the replacement and it came in just fine. The "little silver pig" sounds pretty good. It has been 3 days of listening and breaking it all in.
I cannot be very accurate (in my judgement of the cables) at this time. I won't even try to start a real review. I can only comment on the W and M "interconnects" in their comparison to some of the switching around that I did last night.
The W and M interconnects are very warm. A "comfortable" sounding cable, that is not "laid back". The detail is all there, but delicate and open. I could not detect any "harshness" or glare with them. The bass lines are solid and quick. Very well defined with a lack of "mud" and bloat. There is no doubt, they are a "higher end cable" but I am not able to get a real grasp on their "signature" yet. Imaging is totally in the crapper at this point. What that is at the expense of, I just don't know yet. If the bad stuff is a product of the cable, or the combination of the new amp (still breaking in) and lousy front end... I just can't say. I can only hope that the cables live up to their looks. Beauty is only skin deep with this stuff.

Sorry that I can't be of more help. I will try to get this system straightened out and do some real listening soon.

Hi, Tubby
I'm just wondering how is sound of your W and M interconnect cable and speaker cable now? coz I want to try my luck to bid it

I find it interesting that they put ferrites on their interconnects. I can't think of another company that does that with analog IC's. I tried it once, and found the result to be a 'closing-down' of the soundstage, and a loss of air.
Do they have a website? I couldn't find anything with a google search except references to audiogon.