Wadia 22 Transport - anybody know anything?

I've scoured the internet but can't find much out about this transport. I am thinking of buying a used one locally, but I have no idea what it's worth, plus the age (1994 I believe) leads me to believe it might be a little before cd players went to 24/96. I'm no expert in this stuff, but I don't want to buy something that's not good. Right now I have a krell kav 300cd and think it's great - the Wadia would get hooked up to a second system with a ksa 50s and krell studio 2 dac. Any input anyone could offer would be much appreciated.
One thing to consider is that if the transport goes you will have a boat anchor on your hands. There are no parts available to repair that transport. I second the suggestion to speak with Steve Huntley.
Thanks - I will follow your suggestions. It's just such a cool looking piece and it is currently working fine, but I don't want to shell out cash for something that can't be fixed.