Wadia 270/27ix vs. Sonic Frontiers T3/P3

Seasons Greetings. I got a great deal on a 27ix yesterday and purchased it even though I currently have a SF T3/P3 combo with IS2e. I was interested in the Wadia because I have a digital only system and will be able to get rid of my preamp (BAT VK-5i). It is also already 96k enabled. Has anyone compared these two set-ups?
Jla, I have opened up the Wadia and adjusted the internal dip switches so that I can listen to it in the 65-80 range. Once in a while I do take the preamp out of the loop but I always end up going back to the setup with the preamp in the path. I think if I had a better amp (I use a Krell KAV-250a) I could probably go straight thru to an amp and get good results but for the moment the CJ makes my system very musical. I agree with you about using a very transparent preamp or not using one at all. And I will try to remember that it is Miles and not Myles.
Marklivia, I have BW N802's and as mentioned above Krell KAV 250a. I suspect the Krell's might be causing the brightness, but for the moment I will have to live with what I have. Or it could be my transport, CAL CL-10.
Sunny it's ALL OF THE ABOVE! I am sorry, but who had put your sistem together? Cal is great but not with the Krell, and Krell is great but not with the B&W. Get rid of Krell or Cal. And keep the speakers. Good Luck!
Gee thanks Lindeman. I must have forgotten to read the audiophile rules which explicitly state that CAL and Krell do not mix -- like oil and water :) Damn, thanks for pointing it out :)