Wadia S7i direct to amp

Looking at simplifying my system, wondering if anyone has heard the new Wadia S7i direct into an amp, and if so, how did the pre section fare? My experience w/ an 860x years ago was that the pre wasn't good enough for me to get rid of my pre at the time (a Cary SLP98).
I just bought a Great Northern Sound Statement Wadia S71 today. I plan to do a impartial test of the S7i direct into my Burmester 911 MK3, with my Concert Fidelity CF 080 LS/X preamp. Either way, as I look at it, I come out a winner.:)
I use S7i into a pre. My system is
Wadia S7i
ARC Ref 3
Lamm M1.1 Hybrid Monoblocks
Genesis G200
Using the pre is very worthwhile not least of all because it means running the Wadia at full 100% volume eg full 24bit. Of course it depends on the pre being used and the system itself. All I can say is that Wadia S7i plus pre works for me - very well indeed. The addition of S7i recently made as upgrade from 381i.
As a quick comment on the S7i - IT IS OUTSTANDING!
Talk2me, What's the verdict on direct vs. pre?

Also, the power cord will have a substantial impact on your sound? What are you using?
It is a variable question. Adding a pre, you are adding 3+ more variables(pre itself, interconnect, power cable and fuse). It is certainly more fun but it is going to cost you more. Would it sound better--> theoretically Yes but practically, it is going to depend on how u choose to put on your variables. Always remember this, never go lower level than your current status, otherwise it is like a sports car put a economy tires. Hopes that help.
If you will, check out the Wadia S9 review by Rtn1, I offered a Pre-light version, by using an Audio Consulting silver rock TVC, which is usually in one position allowing Wadia's volume setting between 92-100, the silver rocks control only changed if the input's volume is highly different.

I dare you all to hear the difference between 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94 settings!!

all the best, e