Wadia? Should You Go Direct In Or Preout

Interested in getting a Wadia 860x cd player. I have a Conrad-Johnson MF2500, brand new 240 watt solid state amp. Was wondering if ditching my Premier 14 tube preamp is a good idea to go to this unit? or keep the premier 14 and get a cheaper cd player? what to do?
Depends if you plan to listen at full volume (for critical listening) or not. I had an 860x lent to me while my friend traveled overseas for 2 months. Yes, it sounded better as direct connect, but the difference in recording levels made me use the digital volume periodically, and then the unit worked better with a pre-amp (because you loose resolution with digital volume). Also, if you use other components (turntable, FM...), then I would think about the need to buy A to D boxes at $895 per 2 connections. The other interesting comparison was between the 860x and the Linn Ikemi -- I preferred the Ikemi -- the pace of the music was better. The bass on the Ikemi was less but more defined, and the depth of presentation was a bit thin, but more micro detail was presented... The major preference the Linn Ikemi did not make me want to get up and switch to the other machine. The presentation was more like my turntable.. Don't get me wrong, I like the 860x, and if it were mine, I would be very happy with it. The Linn Ikemi had a better synergy with my system than the 860x. I have been told the 861 is much better than the 860x -- I will be auditioning these differences soon. I know you didn't ask, but my 2 cents...
Tbone, I ran an 860 for 1.5 years and recently upgraded to the 861. The 860 is not even in the same league as the new 861. The x upgrade does very little by itself to improve the sound of the 860 and it's included on the 861. With the 861 you can now select between 3 different digital filter algorithms. As an additional measure, I had the 861 upgraded by former Wadia's former sales manager, Steve Huntley at (greatnorthernsound.com). The player is now so much better than the 860 it will blow your mind. My sincere recommendation is to find an 861 and start from there. By the way, running the player direct into an FPB600c yields a superior transparency and dynamics. The player is most transparent and dynamic at the 2 volt output setting. 4 volts uses additional gain devices and lower settings puts the signal through an additional resistor. Since one can hear the effects of something like dirty connectors, how can we ever think of a preamp and another cable knowing that it will be several steps removed from the event. ANY separate preamp will add coloration and a signature to the presentation. To be successful, and this is a cutdown to the Krell FPB600c, only run the Wadia direct while using amplification with input sensitivity of 2 volts. This will let you get the most from the Wadia running direct...
Tony, what's the switch config of the 2v setting? Wish they would include a chart with the player, took trail and error to set mine. Thanks pete schein@mindspring.com
I would advise that you run the Wadia direct. I just pulled my Audio Research LS-3 out of my system and am running my 850 direct. Everything has improved and since CD is my only source I was able to scale down my system to just an amp and CDP. Good Luck...John