Wadia ?

MY Wadia 16 was being repaired by Wadia. I was told yesterday that it cannot be fixed. My dealer is offering to sell me a new 581 which can play SACD at a very 'reasonable' price. My dealing with Wadia for the past 3 months have not been positive.
I need your help. Is it worth investing in another Wadia product? Is Wadia financially stable? Has anyone heard or know of the sound quality of the new palyer?
Any response would be appreciated.
I've happily owned Wadia CDPs for a few years now. I guess my secret is that I've never dealt directly with Wadia, the company.

I always call Steve Huntley at GNSC whenever I need anything having to do with Wadia products, be it mods, repairs or simply advice via email or phone. He's a standup guy who knows his stuff.
Don't throw good money after bad.

Take your loss and buy from a stable manufacturer.
i hope wadia doesnt disappear... there are too few american made dac's/ transport....

in thinking about it...krell,wadia,muse,audio logic....are there any others ?