Want to experience tubed CDP?

I am curious to hear a tubed CDP in my system, and would like to pay the entry price of an Ah! or Jolida to demo one in my system. I just wonder if either of those will equally perform at the level of my Cairn, or should I be looking at an Audio Aero or Cary model?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!

I would look into the Lector CDP-5T. It cost about the same as your Cairn and it sounds wonderful. I lived with it for about 3 months waiting for my CDP-7T to arrive. The 7T is a better player but it also retails for $4000.00. At your price range, for a tube CDP, the 5T is a great bet. Good luck in your search.......John
If you're going to spend Audio Aero or Cary $$, consider the BAT VK-D5SE. You won't regret it.
The AH! SuperTjoeb 4000 will best your Cairn. Make sure to upgrade from the stock tubes -- my personal favorite is the Ediswan.