Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent

What IC best describes warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent to help a thinner sounding CDP.
Grover Huffman SX: warm, full-bodied, smooth, transparent -- as well as tonally accurate, detailed, and incredibly quiet. All for $200. Amazing. And they don't take nearly as long to burn in as some people say.
Seabreeze, What CD player do you have?

My advice: Don't spend a lot of money on a cable; but a new CD player instead, for instance, a used Rega Apollo.
Pmboyd, to answer a couple of your questions,

Helping a brother inlaw, he just picked up over last weekend a Pass Aleph stereo amp,and he has a Cambridge 840cdp.

So he needs a IC to go from CDP to Amp. The CDP drives the amp.

Really no name generic IC at this time

Also working on power cords for both units, but I think I have that sorted out.