Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent

What IC best describes warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent to help a thinner sounding CDP.
Thanks to all who have contributed. Presently doing do diligence on the recommendations. Ultimately hope to narrow it down to a few, and then buy them here, try them out on the system, the winner will stay, and the others will get sold off. Think that will be the best way to approach this project to get the system to match synergistically.
Pmboyd, just read your post, will check out Golden Reference,Golden Cross thread. Thx.
hate to bust your baloon, but warm and transparent cannot co exist. check the definition of "transparent" and warm".
Perhaps a better word would be dynamic on the upper end.

As what I was eluding to was a synegistic sound from top to bottom. not closed in with a rolled off top end, thus transparent with all the fore mentioned attributes..