Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp

Hello All,
I am currently running an Arcam AVR300 for movies and music, 60/40 respectively. The music portion just isn't happening. Everything works but I'm not getting that "involved/pull you in" kind of feeling. I have gone through several pairs of speakers, Proac tablette 50, Triangle Titus 202, Von Schweikert VR1s and currently Vandersteen 1C. Since this is a wide array of speakers, I've come to the conclusion it must be the amplification.

So now I'm thinking of adding a 2 channel amp running out of the front channels "out". I don't like harsh, shrill highs, but rather a fuller, sweet sounding, yet transparent. Is this possible without spending several thousands of dollars? I am trying to keep it under 1200.00 so used but quality is what I'm hoping for. If Possible. I know that all of you knowledgeable people would have an answer.

I'm also running an Oppo 83 blu ray/cd. Dish K722 receiver for TV. Listen to FM, CDs and MP3 through the Oppo. I'm looking for all the things I have read about on these forums over the years. Good Imaging, transparency, involving. I've read good things about Conrad Johnson MF2250 (affordable used) and I just missed out on one on Ebay, earlier today. Now I'm just frustrated I guess.

Please assist if you can. Oh, I like folk rock, rock, certain new age kind of music. Examples, Dave Matthews, Eric Clapton, Sarah McLaughlin, and everything in between, *chuckle*. Any and All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

12-11-13: Denon53
John, I know relatively nothing about tubes or brands. Can you suggest a decent tube preamp with the HT bypass?

Well you didn't give me a price range, so I'll just assume the $1200 that you were trying to stick to for the amp. I believe any BAT preamp has the flexibility to make any input into a Throughput. Cary has the SLP-03 and SLP-2002 which both have a Cinema Bypass. Conrad Johnson ET-3 and Audio Research SP16L also has a Theater loop. That's just from looking through the tube preamps for sale currently. Go ahead, don't be shy, take a look for yourself. The Cary, CJ and BAT will give you more of the warm, smooth sound, and the ARC will be more transparent and revealing. Happy hunting.
Thank you John for the suggestions, I'll do some research to see what works best for me. As for the "shy" comment, my friends would have a good laugh at that one. :)

Thanks to everyone who contributed, I truly respect and appreciate your knowledge and wisdom of the audio world.
Hi Bruce:

We are about the same age with the same musical tastes. I've been dabbling in this hobby for 40+ years not that it qualifies me in any way as an expert. I could tell you a thing or two that you probably shouldn't do however. I'm also very familiar with your speakers (I owned them for awhile) and coincidentally own a CJ 2250, currently used to power my surrounds. I only tell you all this so you understand where I'm coming from with my comments.

I don't recall reading if you have a 2 channel or surround channel system? If by chance it is 2 channel, my recommendation would be sell the Arcam and buy an integrated amp. I've owned among others, CJ (tubes)and Plinius (SS). Either a tube or SS unit could match up very nicely with your speakers. There are many models to choose either new or used in your price range (particularity after you sell the Arcam). Personal favorites of mine in your price range used are the CJ CAV50, although that model is getting pretty old now so you'd have to be careful, or the Plinius 9100.

If you have a surround system, I think the biggest bang for your buck would come from a 2ch. amp. Sure the preamp makes a huge difference in music. I also wholeheartedly agree that using a receiver as a preamp leaves a lot to be desired, but given your budget I don't believe you'll find both a decent preamp and amp unless you're willing to invest more. The CJ 2250 is an amp that would get my vote and would mate nicely with your speakers. Again many others to choose from.

Hope this helps.


Hi Mark,
Thank you for the recommendations. Yes, I currently have an Arcam AVR300, 7 channels, 100w per/chan. Two of the channels can be switched to the front mains for bi-amping purposes. With all the other suggestions, I am giving thought to tubes but as many have said, I should really go all the way and get a tube preamp and amp. I can't really afford both at this time. So I the question I'm asking myself is, Tube preamp or a SS amp for the current two front channels. I'm up in the air.

Go for the tubes!CJ products are excellent as are Quicksilver.You may,as Charels1 says,immigrate over to the dark side and fall in love with what tubes bring to your musical enjoyment.