Warped Records

I would say about 75% of the new records I have purchased online or in some of the local shops are warped. The outer edge will almost always have a big hump in it, I can't tell if it is really affecting the sound but it is very disappointing.
I got four new records last night all but three were warped & the one that was not warped skips. Also they seem to be very noisy, The new 200g Led Zeppelin's all have some large pops in them. On a earlier date I took back some warped ones to the store & they put it on a turntable & told me it was normal.
ANother time I sent five records back to amusicdirect.com & they exchanged them for five more warped records.
What's the deal? Anyone else seem to have the same trouble?
I received a copy of David Crosby's "If I Could Only Remember My Name" from Classic the other day. If I plugged up the spindle hole, I could eat soup off of side 2. Severely dished.
I have no idea what this would do to an LP, but I use get some of those large 12" video laser-discs that would skip because the disc was too warped.

I would warm them ever so very slightly in the oven and then place them between two flat surfaces until they cooled.

Worked like a charm whether a wavy warp or dish-like.

You could experiment with a warped LP you don't care about to see if it will straighten the LP without ruining the grooves. I don't remember what temperature I used, but you must not melt the plastic even slightly. I'd guess 100 degrees Farenheit. Use a thermometer; don't trust the oven knob setting. Laser-discs were easier because it was just the clear plastic covering the metal disc inside with the digital information.
My luck has been better the 180G and 200G records (Led Zeppelin, CS&N, Jimi Hendrix, Doors, CCR, Pink Floyd, YardBirds, etc.) that I purchased at Elusive Disc, Music Direct and Acoustic Sounds have all been warp free, I have had some surface noise, I always clean my albums before playing to clean off the mold release, that helps, but I think some of the surface noise is bits of vinyl left in the grooves and after the first playing most of the pops and clicks go away.

Now the lighter records (standard?) I have had some problems with warps, but they seem to play OK, not any wow or flutter that I can hear and no skips.

I should add that the 180g and higher LPs typically have no issues, but at the current prices and labels they are coming from I would expect as much.

I just saw the new Dire Straits re-issue at Music Direct...wish me luck.