We are being flooded by headphone ads

Over the past few weeks I've noticed a huge influx of oblique discussions about headphones, often Sennheisers.  I'm getting a little tired of it. 

It's clearly meant to generate discussion about headphones, but placed in areas besides headphones.  The guy who allegedly has ear pain without them, the several people looking for changes from brand x... all of them with accounts newly minted. 


I'm sorry, again, I'm being so very unclear.  @curiousjim 

I don't mean literal ads.  I mean ads masquerading as discussion topics.

Eric, I think you are on to something.

Market manipulation. Consumer habits have been studied for years.

For the last 10 to15 years everything you read and look at on the net has been parsed and studied by huge companies like Google, Microsoft and Meta. 

I am suspicious as to who/whom may be behind this. For a price we can launch

you and your brand to sudden fame and fortune.