Weakest Link? Your honest opinions.

Before I spend any more on audio equipment, I'd like some opinions on my current vinyl rig:

Nagaoka MP200 Cartridge (this I will be upgrading to a Zephyr as soon as possible)>

VPI Classic 1>

Blue Jeans BJC LC-1 RCA Cables>

Jolida JD9 Phono Stage>

Monster RCA Cables>

Marantz PM-68 Int Amp>

Canare 4S11 Star Quad Speaker Cable>

Kef Q55 Speakers (bi-wired)

Everything aside from the turntable/cartridge I've had for 5 to 6 years, and are my first foray into HiFi audio.

Just bought the Classic 1 recently, and I'm loving it so far, but I feel a better cartridge will really improve the sound. The Nagaoka was used previously on my Rega P1 (which I'm using in my office rig). I'm saving up to buy the Zephyr, but does anyone notice any other obvious faults in my system?

I feel like the Marantz and Kefs could be replaced at some point, but I wouldn't want to make a purchase unless I know it's going to make a significant improvement over what I already have.

Also, does anyone think some part of my rig might prevent the Zephyr from performing as well as it should?
the best thing to do is borrow (get a loaner) pair of "better" speakers from an audio shop or friend and live with them for a few days and see if the speaker swap takes you where you want to go. AND borrow a better integrated... and again live with it a few days (utilizing your old speakers). In isolating and then testing one variable at a time, you can get to this quickly. FWIW... your cables and turntable are very unlikely to be the weakest link. Though the cartridge upgrade and perhaps the phono stage are two other variables to isolate and check.
Get the book or DVD " Get Better Sound" by Jim Smith. Read/listen the whole book/DVD.

You can be surprise by the result if you follows the tips that Jim Smith provide.

The base is always the room and you go from there.
First, the typically hyper-reactive moderators didn't scrub dickrick's remark. Stunning. A completely needless and tasteless remark.

Second, Elizibeth didn't use this to (as always) shill for Pangea powercords? What's this world coming to?

Anyway, to the OP - sorry for the rick-dick remark, and probably the most early cost effective change is to ensure you maximize your room's potential.

Get a real job and buy some real IC's!

Review: Cardas Reference Series Golden & Neutral Ref, Golden Pres. Interconnect
I use the NR all the way around. Some day I may upgrade to the GR.
Slikric3000 01-05-09

You owe the OP an I am sorry for being a DH!
Hey 3000 get a better job and buy a real power supply.

Monster Cable HTS 5000 ($699)