@deludedaudiophile If they proved anything, they would publish in a respected journal.
A dude by the name of Malcolm Omar Hawksford has generated a bunch of words on the subject. I understand that this current obsession is to do with something like wave theory (??), which is totally applicable to things like microwave ovens.
The earliest reference to his thoughts that I can find are from 1985 where he found that high guage solid core is the secret to audio cabling. Another time, I guess. The folk over at the always erudite Stereophile enjoy publishing his words from time to time. I digress.
If science is about developing models of the real world, and the adage that ’all models are wrong, but some are useful’ then I reckon there is nothing wrong with a model that may lack the correct details, provided it usefully describe key concepts and ideas to the intended audience.
Where it can go wrong is when people extrapolate or extend the model beyond its domain of validity.
I think he is a bit of a strange quark, having read some of his words while he was relaxing in Morocco.