Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!

This was brought to my attention a few days ago, and I’ve filled out the form stating that I would love to see mid-priced 6SN7s, 5U4Gs, EL34s, and KT88s from them. I’m not sure how long of a time-frame we’re looking at here, but it appears at the very least that Western Electric is interested in hearing from us! Please fill out the form and don’t forget to put down what tubes you would like to see from them, this could be a good thing! Best regards, Aric




@aricaudio your point is valid, I do believe that they are building these tubes borrowing from WEs past technology though and there for feel just in borrowing the WE implication, however loosely it might apply. I might also add that the two sets of Shuguang WEs I have are very good sounding tubes and sound awesome in the pieces of gear they were bought for, so there is that. Enjoy the music

@aricaudio - Ignore my comment about there being a prior thread, the only important thing is for folks to know that WE has some tube production capacity and are looking for input as to how to potentially put it to best use based upon user input. Thanks for helping with getting the message out

I went ahead and started a thread on WhatBestForum the other day with the link 

@facten No worries, I get it. Absolutely, I'm also stoked to help get the word out! I for one would love to see WE producing various Hi-Fi tubes again and becoming a more prominent name as they once were (aside from their 300B claim to fame). At this stage, I think the only thing that they would have to worry about is keeping up, and that's not a bad problem to have! My 2 cents. 


Best, Aric

Thanks for the heads up on the Western Electric needing feedback. I just purchased 7 tubes, 5-6SN7's and 2-6SL7's due to prices and shortages caused by other dealers buying up stock and overpricing them.  EL34's are up to $200.00 on the low end which is ridiculous. I am now "not looking" at other tube pre- or power tube amps {I have the Schiit Freya+, and Willsenton R8}   

The word is indeed out I requested WE make 6DJ8's, 6SN7's, and 2A3's we shall see what transpires.