Western Electric looking for consumer feedback to make new tubes!

This was brought to my attention a few days ago, and I’ve filled out the form stating that I would love to see mid-priced 6SN7s, 5U4Gs, EL34s, and KT88s from them. I’m not sure how long of a time-frame we’re looking at here, but it appears at the very least that Western Electric is interested in hearing from us! Please fill out the form and don’t forget to put down what tubes you would like to see from them, this could be a good thing! Best regards, Aric




@roadwhorerecords @aricaudio 


The link states production at its new facility, it is located in Rossville GA - see link below, which you can also get to via the above link by clicking on the words latest factory in the link's message


Rossville Works Manufacturing Facility — Western Electric - Maker of electron tubes and high fidelity

@facten Thanks for the link! I love this, it reminds me of the fiber-optics plant I used to work in 20 years ago, very clean, lots of Hydrogen and lots of glass :-) Seriously though, the plant looks top notch and it appears they have lots of space. As far as growth is concerned, this could really be an opportunity for WE to step up and expand their current facility and employees- all while getting us some new tubes. Could be a win-win!



  Thanks for the info. I used to live in Roswell, just up the road from it now. May take a drive and see if they will give me a tour of the facility.

I don't suppose anyone's heard the massive new 300B-based integrated amplifier that WE has been advertising recently.  It seems to me that they are expanding/diversifying.